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Cookie Cutter

noun. This is a name for a very nice ass, particularly that of a female. A good one is called this when it has a good shape and nice firmness, hence why it is called a cookie cutter.

Wow, that Anna sure does have a good cookie cutter on her. Yeah, she must work out.

by jld2 February 27, 2009

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cookie vegan

A person who normally is vegan, e.g. eats no meat or dairy, but will eat a non-vegan cookie any time.

Amy tried to be vegan for a month, but went cookie vegan after her grandmother cooked her favorite oatmeal raisin cookies.

by Suzanne Greene October 3, 2007

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Cookie Dookie

A shit that lowkey be looking like a cookie, or could be a shit with small pieces of a cookie, (possibly whole or unchewed) in it

Person 1: How was your dump bro!
Person 2: Nice as hellllllll, it was a major cookie dookie!!!

by peepeepoopooman:) July 25, 2020

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lip cookie

a very enjoyable dip

After work i looked forward to the relief of having a nice fat lip cookie

by Bgtom October 22, 2007

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shitty cookie

When you get a fortune cookie that gives you identical numbers for your lotto picks.

WTF! My lucky numbers are 5-15-25-30-25! What a shitty cookie!

by Hoof Hearted May 23, 2008

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Cookie Princess

One who bruises easily; is a complete wimp

Wears the same thing EVERY day

Tries to be healthy by getting a salad, but gets pizza also


Possibly homosexual

Weaknesses include: wafers filled with chocolate, people

with lives

The cookie princess cried after he was hit with a wafer cookie.

The cookie princess smelled of feet and continued talking about the seven dwarves.

by spaceymace February 4, 2010

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Jew cookie

When you get a fortune cookie and get no fortune. (it happens)

Yo, my boy Mitch got a fortune cookie and there was no fortune!!!! he got Jew cookied!!

by gainttitzzzzzzzz February 14, 2012

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