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Puppy Ass Gas Pass

The act of farting in your dog's mouth, then immediately sending it to lick your friend's face.

Timmy was sleeping, so I woke him up with a Puppy Ass Gas Pass!!

by RichieP October 26, 2006

63πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

Sugar In The Gas Tank

Ejaculating or inserting seminal fluid into the partner's anal cavity

"Yo bro I hooked up with this chick last night. She's like Ferrari sexy with the ass of a lambo so I had to put a little sugar in the gas tank."

by JRSlay July 27, 2017

5πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

ratchet gas station bathroom

Nasty ass bathroom at a gas station with cum stains on the wall and unflushed shit

Thats a ratchet gas station bathroom

by mooneyboy August 2, 2014

central iowa gas can

When a friend or family member runs out of gas in the middle of nowhere and you bring them a red Honda generator instead of a real Gas Can.

Logan ran out of gas again so I brought him a central Iowa Gas Can to teach him a lesson.

by Meng22 January 18, 2018

puerto rican gas pump

When the driver of an automobile exits the stopped vehicle during a red traffic signal (stop light, red light) and urinates. The driver must finish urinating before the traffic signal changes to a green traffic signal (green light, go). If the driver does not finish urinating before the signal turns green he is to be scorned and ridiculed harshly by occupants within the vehicle and all surrounding vehicles and their occupants, however if the driver completes the task he is to be applauded by all.

Did you see me do a Puerto Rican Gas Pump? The light turned green just as I finished.

by Gomez McTaco May 16, 2011

gas tank for a sex machine

A cute/ sarcastic name for a guy's beer belly

Woman: I like your beer belly, let's go get a beer some time?
Man: lol, beer makes you gain weight; it's not a beer belly, it's my gas tank for a sex machine
Woman: lol, I didn't know such machines, or their gas tanks, existed.

by Sexydimma November 11, 2017


Korean slang.There is NO exact English definition/translation, but it is close to things like obsessed, devoted, or love.
I guess that’s what it somewhat means, although of course the word has a totally different feel to it (nerdy vs street slang haha) . You can basically see β€œBbuk-E-Ga-Yo” as falling for something, going crazy for something. It’s not used in terms of romantic love, but more as in when something is SOO awesome, that u can’t help so deep into it and just kinda.. falling into it totally and absolutely.

You are so Bbuk-e-ga-yo with Seungri oppa, aren't you?

by UlzzangKitty December 8, 2010

19πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž