A versatile phrase which one may use when describing a particular thing he/she dislikes.
"My teacher was such a bitch today, she gave me a detention."
"Ew, I don't like that stuff."
"Hey, you wanna go get some ice cream?"
"I don't like that stuff."
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A phrase added to the end of a sentence to indicate a forceful rejection of a particular action. Usually used to refer to unpleasant or unpopular actions.
Person A: "I heard you playing the piano, then you just stopped, how come?"
Person B: "They asked me to play Abba, you just don't do that."
Person A: "I can't believe they pulled that pitcher! He was doing so well!"
Person B: "I know, you just don't do that!"
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1. Something a person says when drunk because she is doing and saying very stupid things and does not want the people around her to think she is an idiot/insane/etc.
2. What a drunk girl says because she is paranoid that all her friends secretly hate her and #talkshit about her behind her back like some #frenemies she knew back in high school. When intoxicated, she becomes slightly paranoid about everything, including this, and begs all her friends to not hate her.
1) Mina: *falls down*
Young: *catches her*
Mina: "Omg I'm so sorry I'm really drunk right now, please don't hate me."
Young: "Chill out, no one hates you."
2) Mina: "Please don't hate me."
Chris: "I should make a drinking game for every time you say 'please don't hate me.'
Chris: "You worry too much."
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African Americans, derived from the stereotypical attitude they would show, when they would say something like "Aw don't chu eva mess with me like that"
There was a bunch of don't chu evas hogging up the basketball courts.
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When you have had a heavy night drinking and you and your friends watch a porno, then you get to into and rap your dick in a plastic bag condom and stick it in the hole in the sofa you are lying on.
Zack: 'hey man how did the party go'
Joe: 'man it was wild'
Zack: 'an regrets'
Joe: 'yeah'
Zack: 'what'
joe: ' I fucked a sofa!'
Zack: 'Theres a new slogan DFS (Don't Fuck Sofa's)
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1- A phrase shouted at someone who doesn't want to do something, usually a group activity in which the entire group makes fools out of themselves 'for the lulz.'
2- A phrase shouted at anyone who doesn't want to do something for varying reasons.
3- A phrase shouted at anyone who posts a picture of a clancer on any popular internet forum.
4- A phrase which can be yelled at anyone who is being a pussy in any situation imaginable.
"I DON'T WANNA BE A CLANCER!" said Don. "GOD! You are such a pussy."
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Having the privilege of not being reminded by society that your skin color makes a difference in the society.
Keith, "nice to meet you!"
Alan, "Nice to meet you too, DAWG! I'll have you know, I don't see color?"
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