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White Trash Neutral

A term - not unlike "carbon neutral" of global warming fame - which is used to describe a point system for the rating of your white trash tendencies.

I just slammed a Heineken(+1) Tall Boy(-1), leaving me at White Trash Neutral for the day...

by Done Deal September 10, 2012

White Trash Fury

A fit of rage, often filled with obscene language and derogatory remarks released upon another individual or individuals, often unjustifiably and most times ending in violence. There is a high probability of the police being notified and/or appearing shortly after.

Karla urged Ryan to unleash all his White Trash Fury on the guy who accidentally bumped into her at the local karaoke bar, spilling her beer.

by sinsix November 12, 2009

Poor White Trash

Longterm resident of subsidized housing having welfare babies one after another while lowlife boyfriend or loser husband stays home and refuses to look for work and support family. One or both are running a long term disability or welfare fraud. Always in possession of a tricked out cell phone to call her single mom, poor white trash friends who also have at least one welfare baby of their own. Can be seen driving a Jeep Cherokee while on the way to a local Bob's store to buy athletic jerseys for loser husband.

That apartment complex is for Poor White Trash.

by cirkle k August 7, 2011

445๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

white trash pizza

The cheap, thin crust, high-cholesterol frozen pizzas readily available at white trash grocery stores such as Aldi. Despite the name, they are delicious. White trash pizza in its truest form has no toppings - it's just crust, sauce, cheese, and probably a few chemicals you don't want to hear about.

Guy: I'm gonna throw a white trash pizza in the oven. Want to split it?
Dude: Hell yeah.

by Sweasel August 30, 2007

40๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

rich white trash

A person can be male or female of any age who is petulant, wasteful, and loose in their morals, and usually a shitty parent who is self centered and can give two shits about their children who are often left with sitters. They typically behave in ways that are not considered appropriate for their social standing, date losers without jobs, and often flaunt their money (their parents money) around openly. Usually born into a wealthy family they have no self earned wealth. They often lead excessive and wasteful lives supported by someone else's wealth other than their own.

"All she talked about at lunch was how much money she spent at Frock Candy, she even brought the receipt to show us, what a piece of rich trash."

"She insists on showing off her new Panaroma that she bought for her unemployed bf, she wonders why everyone thinks she's rich trash, little does she know that car looks like a roach."

Dat girl is rich white trash

by Abita Strawberry June 5, 2014

22๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Alabama White Trash

A girl who is moderately attractive, but is delusional & under the assumption they are more so. These people tend to be strongly opinionated, yet unable to back it up with any sort of reasonable argument. They have a voracious loyalty to an educational institution that would never accept them as students and are, in all probability ashamed to have them as fans. More often than not they tend to be hill folk. Fathers tend to be physically, emotionally, & sexually abusive to both the boys & girls without discrimination. This is in fact somewhat helpful in preparing the respective sexes for their future lives. The boys for the prison life they will inevitably have & the girls for their marriage which will most likely be to a sibling and/or cousin. The girls have extremely wide hips, but a flat ass, with a muffin top similar to a cupcake with too much yeast. She tends to believe that she understands everyone else's problems & knows what's best for them believing them capable of turning it on & off like a light switch. And yet she never deals with her own parental issues.

Alabama White Trash. You know who you are.

by Death 2 Gingers July 16, 2013

53๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

u trash kid

ur trash KID it means that ur just bad so deal with it what do you want from me

u trash kid means ur BAD duhh

by y u looking here December 30, 2021