Source Code

The Van.

scotty doesnt know, that fioana and me.. do it in my van every sunday (sayaka is sweatin' rn)
The van is an inside joke nobody else will understand

F; "the van."
C; "THE VAN!!"

by mynameisangle February 9, 2024

Amber Van Pelt

She is a loving 21 year old girl who dreams of being a surgeon. Her best friend is Zoe LaVerne. Her birthday is February 21.

Amber Van Pelt is a queen.

by October 23, 2020

Amber van pelt

Amber van pelt is an amazing girl who inspires people to do nice things!.She is a huge insparation!
Follow my account:@vanpeltsboo

Somone:Whos amber van pelt?

Me:My queen duh

by ๐–ป ๐–พ ๐—… ๐—… ๐–บ November 10, 2020

moto van

A van used to haul around dirt bikes. Normally seen by girlfriends as creepy and raper-ish

Hey man, you wanna take the moto van down to the races?

by Woody_60 April 6, 2017

Van Orin

A crazy small town in Illinois with less than one hundred people, one road and about a mile long. If your from here chances are good you have never seen a black person unless it was Black Barbie.

Girl: Im from Van Orin, IL
Guy: Where?
Girl: Oh just a really small town in the middle of nowhere full of farms:
Guy: Black people live there?
Girl: What are Black people?
Guy: ... screw this, you just want to have sex?
Girl: What is sex?
Guy: Holy crap...

by Kyuket May 16, 2011

Greta Van Zeppelin

A crappy knock off of Led Zeppelin. Fans of this band generally love Led Zeppelin, but Zeppelin fans hate this band. Also known as Greta Van Fleet.

Person 1: Have you heard the new Greta Van Zeppelin Album?
Person 2: Yeah! It sucks!

by evvy_leppy444 July 11, 2022

Jannes Van Winden

A woman with a thicccccc boottttyyyyy. You honestly cant keep your dick in your pants around her.

You just know she gon be a MILF! A bit stinky tho

person 1: Bro the elevator was so full this morning couldnt even get in :(

person 2: Mustve been in there with a Jannes Van Winden

other example

person 1: Bruh something is blocking my view

*takes a couple steps back*

ohhhhhhh its that girl with a big dump truck

person 2: you mean Jannes Van Winden?

by Laurasexgod January 10, 2024