Good music, specifically good Country or Americana music. Nashville was built on good music and many people got rich from writing good songs, thus being referred to as gold.
That ol' boy ain't had a lick of sense. Luckily he keeps writin' that Tennessee Gold. Them royalty checks made him rich.
After 57 years of good taste, we're saying goodbye.
They say all good things must come to an end, and so it goes with Gold n Soft. Ever since the brand was born back in 1966, it’s earned devoted fans everywhere. Thanks for saving us a place at your table for over five decades’ worth of breakfasts, lunches, snacks and dinners. While this is goodbye, we hope you keep spreading the love!
When she bully’s George green and Jay leech wow jess your so comedy gold woah
Eben Franckewitz knows ALL about paying GOLD he is a MAN and talented man be like Eben
short and simple.
why don't we cant seem to the simple task of paying GOLD
Eben Franckewitz knows all about this he is a great man he pays so MUCH GOLD to everyone he is a great man be like Eben
oh my god can you believe that Why Don't We don't know what paying gold means those pesky kids!
Used by christians referring to someone deceased.
Based on the Biblical description of heaven, saying it has streets of gold.
“Did you hear what happened to Tony?”
“Yeah, he’s walking on streets of gold.”