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Bitch boy

When someone is a pussy and often doesn’t have the guts to do something

For example Kristian is a bitch boy

by hundredpercentfax March 29, 2020

Bitch boy

a boy who thinks they're on top of the world when in reality, just because they're living off of daddy's money. they usually try to give off the jock vibes but end up giving off pussy and small dick vibes.

"Do you see that dude Mason over there?"
"Nah bro I thought his name was Cadin."
"Either way they a bitch boy."

by MisterPlayrUnown February 27, 2023

Bitch boy

A boy who usually does everything for people cuz he is their bitch, also known as rylee , he also moans and bitches about every little thing

Rylee you bitch boy get over here , NOO I’m an alpha ,

by Cactusprobe May 10, 2022

Bitch Boy

A bitch boy is a boy with an INCREDIBLY PHATTTT ass who has a thing for HIPS. Usually white and cries over girls he knows for 0.1 of a second.

Usually a rent boy

Ahmed is a bitch boy

by Yayeetyerfrickenkids May 2, 2019


Bitch Boy:
A boy that’s acting like a bitch.
They stop learning so they never grow into
A man so they stay bitching & stay boys

“Ayo Ray ray, stop acting like a bitch boy.”

“Look at that bitch boy over there always bitching

by Bitching boi September 13, 2022


Bitch Boy:
A boy that’s acting like a bitch.
They stop learning so they never grow into
A man so they stay bitching & stay boys

“Ayo Ray ray, stop acting like a bitch boy.”

“Look at that bitch boy over there always bitching

by Bitching boi September 13, 2022

Bitch boy

Bitch boys are someone who can't do things right and whine about things occasionally

Josiah was a bitch boy for raging on his video games

by Bableam June 17, 2020