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August 15

August 15 is the best day.Who was born at this year youโ€™re funny, crazy ,skinny, tall and sexy.

Guy: Her birthday is in August 15? No wonder sheโ€™s sexy!!

by Reema_123 November 4, 2019

206๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

March 15

The day Mr Crocker lost his FAIRY GOD PARENTS

Itโ€™s March 15th!

by Savejimmyneutronandvictorious March 12, 2022

Run 15

To fight for 15 seconds (usually just for fun or to settle beef between to people)

Origin: Illinois

Nigga you tryna run 15.

by Rygfh November 26, 2019

15 November

International spoil your girl day

A:Hey man, so ur gonna surprise her ?
B: why ?
A: itโ€™s international spoil your girl day, man !
B: Iโ€™m just joking with you, ofcourse I am !

C: you must be surprising her
D: why ?
E: because itโ€™s international spoil your girl day

F: what is he doing ?
G: surprising his girl. Itโ€™s 15 November, international spoil your girl day

by Itsyaboy.backatitagain November 14, 2019

59๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

August 15

Your stupid crackhead friend was born in this day so go hug em

You: hey itโ€™s my birthday

Friend: August 15th?
You: ya and Iโ€™m a crackhead ay
Friend: *hugs you*

by XThedooristhereX November 2, 2019

153๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

March 15

So if you were born in March 15 YOU'RE THE FREAKING CRACKHEAD of your friends group! Everybody loves and appreciates you<3

-hi today is my birthday!
-but today is march 15..OMG CAN YOU BE MY BEST FRIEND?

by fairypisces November 19, 2019

66๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dec 15

Whoever was born on December 15 is fucking amazing. Their smart,cute,creative and are likely to become a millionaire! If you know someone with this date of birth smack em on the arse and say 'shxbjsnzbzhxjakznxb'.

your born on dec 15!? Will you marry me?!

by Yeetcoolbruh December 27, 2019

52๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž