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A new dust filter for a Hoover Max Extract Pressure Pro model 60

Sometimes we all need one.

this is used if you want to start a new life

A new dust filter for a Hoover Max Extract Pressure Pro model 60

by PGtips_drinker August 30, 2022

60/40 split

The 60/40 split is a form of relationship dynamic, statistically one of the most, if not THE most stable relationship dynamic. It is where the man is the primary earner and pays 60% of the bills, and the woman is the secondary earner who pays 40% of the bills. In terms of chores and childcare, they are split evenly among the couple. This is not to be confused with the 40/60 split where the man pays 40% and the woman pays 60%.

Statistically, a relationship with a male primary earner, female secondary earner, and equal sharing of household responsibilities, is the most stable - with low rates of adultery, low rates of divorce, and high rates of reported marital satisfaction. This is because it strikes a balance with the best of both worlds between traditional and egalitarian relationships, meeting it in the middle.

Kids may or may not be put in daycare, depending on the couple's preferences. Sometimes the government may choose paid transferable parental leave, which is also a good option.

Anna: My boyfriend and I are doing the 60/40 split, it works great for us.

by mohpashun February 2, 2025

60/40 split

60/40 split refers to a marriage or relationship dynamic where the man is the primary earner and the woman is the secondary earner. The man pays 60% of the bills while the woman pays 40% of the bills. Chores and childcare are split evenly and shared among the couple. Studies show the 60/40 split has the lowest rates of divorce, lowest rates of adultery, and highest rate of marital satisfaction. This is to be contrasted with the 40/60 split where the man pays 40% and the woman pays 60%.

I will do a 60/40 split sometime in the future.

by leldon February 5, 2025

Mad 60

When somebody moving to hot or being mad loud with something you don’t want nobody to know about

“yo you still fuck with her bro ? “
“you being mad 60 right now bro “

by Vayeswim January 20, 2020

60s matt

a legend

everyone wants to be 60s matt

by 60s matt December 6, 2016


A-60 is a monster from the 2020 ROBLOX game rooms. It can also can be seen in the 2022 Roblox game DOORS in the HOTEL+ update.

Me: Bro, A-60 is coming!
Him: OK *Hides*
Me: *Hides*

by Imthehamman May 25, 2023


A entity from Rooms in roblox!!1!1!!!111
also known as The MultiMonster

A-60 is a entity that change it face and emit red light

EpicGaming_100: "Guy i heard A-60"
AwesomeGuy_332: "We hide in locker"

by StoryOfUndertaleing September 9, 2023