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people ages 13-17. adolescents. most usually go through depression. most teens have "normal" and "cool" standards that you are forced to live up to if you are a teen:

1) you have to have a girlfriend/boyfriend otherwise you are gay (i dunno why teens call eachother gay even when they are straight)

most relationships at this time are based on insecurity, these are the reasons anyone would want to have a girlfriend:

1) rid of the pressure of being called gay or other stupid comments
2) show off
3) get closer to the other person than just a friend can

relationsips these ages are only based on looks, not whats on the inside. today, you have to be good looking and have bigs tits and ass otherwise you are considered unworthy by some moron who will eventually dump you for someone else!

2) you must smoke, drink, and have sex (funny how such morally wrong things are considered godly by teens)

3) you can't wear "whity tighties" or you will be dissed by most boxer wearers who have smaller d***s than you
(i wear boxer-briefs)

4) you must hate your parents

i am conservative and a teen. i went to school with these kind of morons. their rules control you and u cant do anything about it. while they bitch about how "popular" they are they are the most insecure. while you, the "unpopular" kid becomes sucessful in life, its usually the "cool" kids that will be flipping burgers

i am consrvative, but i am still turned on by hot girls, but i respect conservative one. maybe i find a wife that is hot and conservative at the same time, but i dunno. i dont like teen dating because most teens make it look so fucking stupid (i am not insulting all teens)

by conservative July 18, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


An attention- deficit, loquacious, hormonal human being who habitually makes ill informed decisions about life in general. They typically show little hope of maturing past puberty and frequently state the obvious. That their intelligence should reflect in their actions is a common misconception.

Bob McDouche: "I saw some seventeen year old kid get in a car wreck today. He hit a parked car."
Fred Cuntwaffle: "Oh yeah?"
Bob McDouche: "In a parking lot."
Fred Cuntwaffle: "Huh."
Bob McDouche: "Which only had two other cars in it."
Fred Cuntwaffle: "...Really."
Bob McDouche: "Yeah. How is that even possible?"
Fred Cuntwaffle: "He's a teenager. Anything's possible."

by AQ November 21, 2005

19๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


Between the media bending over ass backwards to cater to them, and having virtually no real responsibilities to worry about they still manage to think they have it hard. Even worse are the trendy, psuedo-intellectual little pissants who claim that they're "mature for their age" or "not like the others" until their parents tell them to turn off the goddamn anime and go to bed. Sorry, a "mature teenager" is an oxymoron, dipshit. Get some life experience before you expect me to take you seriously. Get off the goddamn Dragonball Z message boards and do your homework.

Mood swings aren't a sympton of teenagerhood, they're a sympton of idiocy.

by jenny October 5, 2004

47๐Ÿ‘ 116๐Ÿ‘Ž


One of the reasons why SOME dipshit foreigners hate the USA.

Most teenagers are spoiled. I'm not like them though. If they weren't so spoiled, moody or bad, then the foreigners won't hate us as much...

by StraightFMan August 19, 2004

20๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


an age group whos sole purpose in life is to be obsessed with sexual references, smart assing teachers and dressing up like a whore or a wannabe gangsta or wannabe punk. They listen to the most appalling noise ever theyc all "music" but in real life its a no-talent stripfest. Most often seen at high schools or working at Quacky Ds for a minimum wage. Have had there morals destroyed by the ZOG conspiracy.

I was a teenager 10 years ago and of all the stuff ive mentioned in my definition was "hip" then, then there was no doubt you'd be beaten, clubbed and stoned to death. Todays Teenagers lack the morals of those born a decade earlier.

by Brother Number One February 27, 2005

67๐Ÿ‘ 184๐Ÿ‘Ž


a teenager is someone who is either loathing someone, thinking overobsessively about someone, or a heroine addict cuz it's only $10 a bag.

Teenagers don't have feelings...THEY JUST HAVE BLIND RAGE!

by Bobby Jo February 28, 2005

64๐Ÿ‘ 175๐Ÿ‘Ž


You know you are a teenager if:

1.You Are older than 12 but are still younger than 20.

2. You are constantly in some form of rebellion against your parents.

3. You know what style/fashion is in or cool these days.

4. You usually know people or of people that sell or experiment with drugs.

5. You have a girlfriend/boyfriend.

6.You Have some form of hostility towards gay,bi, or transsexual, or transgendered peers.

7. You Think it is cool to form cliques and gang up and pick on people that are not part of your group.

8.You Think it's cool to pick on little kids.

9. You think you are all that/the best/ the shit Etc.

10. Have done drugs/gotten drunk/or had sex, even though the law forbids all three.

11.You Think that you are better than the rest of the population.

12.You Can't wait to go to College where the Real parties are.

13.You Wish that Bush was never elected as president.

14.You Love beating up fags.

15.You are living up the best times of your life.

Teenagers really should take over the world since they are the coolest on this planet, Teens rule

by Phaenixdrools December 9, 2006

27๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž