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I cheated on my ex nd he still came back to me abowww

by Ciynamon January 17, 2022


girls who say this suck mad dick eat mad dick choke mad dick fuck on mad dick they a hoe and a leg

he tell me throw it back aboww

by SETTYFROMDAVILLE January 21, 2022


This is a term mostly used by ghetto black girls but it can be used by any ratchet female. This term was first found on tiktok and it is now used as a personality trait by certain girls

Oh really ? You did that girl abow

by Cool broooo January 18, 2022


This word is mostly used by uneducated, Ratchet females. The audience that uses this particular word tend to get their whole personality from social media especially tiktok

Girl you did it abow

by Cool broooo January 18, 2022


has two meanings depending on where you’re from. turkey and sweden use it as “wow” or “damn” but if you’re from milwaukee it is an synonym for periodt and used for when ur getting lit

abow did you see that game yesterday?” - sweden

“let’s gets some drinks abowwww” - milwaukee/aave

by gosuckoutyamuma January 10, 2022


Originated from a viral audio on tiktok, abow has no grounded definition but is similar to “period” or “purr”.

“You look soo good ABOWW

by zendayasgf January 6, 2022


the impact of a womans behind on a surface

so but it down on his lap, Abow.

by Theonly ABOW January 7, 2022