A shitty airline with amazing staff members.
"Hey Bro, I'm going onto San International Airlines!"
"Yo bro, watch out, it's not a good airline"
Travel by train in America on slow clunky regular routes instead of flying.
Grandma is so afraid of heights and ain't in no hurry - she gonna take Amish Airlines to Portland.
When you're sizing up the room, because something instinctively doesn't feel right.
Them: Why are you so quiet?
Answer: These people give me weird vibes, so I'm just airlining, trying to fly through this turbulence.
An airline full of self built planes using confusing instructions
Today you will be flying with IKEA Airlines.
One of the best Airline companies in the Mushroom Kingdom
What happens when one is either delayed, stranded, stripped of his baggage, or otherwise screwed by an airline due to mechanical, crew, baggage, or customer service issues.
Man, I just got airlined again. I'm delayed for 10 hours!
the airline that gives 10,000 USD using literal APPLE PAY!?!
the airline that delayed over 1,000 flights.
Dummy1: Ay, u flying Delta Airlines today
Person that is "flying" : They canceled my flight, I AM RAGING. NEVER AGAIN!