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Edgy School shooters.

Me: Hey bro! Wanna go to America?
British Friend: No mate, too much school shootas!

by WaxHandler June 21, 2019

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America is one of the most amazing girls you’ll ever meet. She’s great at sports, beautiful, and hilarious. She is definitely an m.v.p

Hey look it’s America, she just made another half court!

by Jackoffbyday October 25, 2019

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America is the land of the free, founded through revolution from high british taxation.

However, a nation of hypocrites, as it taxes are now higher than that which caused its start.

It is a nation of patriots, even if they'll shoot each other for an extra buck.

It is a nation which can own guns, and cannot see that owning a gun mostly prevents crime.

America seems like the riches nation on earth, even as it is the poorest by terms of debt-to-GDP.

America is a land of easy money, where elected officials are paid $150,000+ for life to be corrupt and not show up for work at any time.

It is a place where the media is run by the big business, which runs the country.

It is a land that is very diverse, yet easily travelled.

It is a land, young in time, made wise by war, and yet still makes foolish decisions.

A country built for and run by the banks.

Yet in all this, corruption, false ways, and evil doings, America still sucks less.

If the world were given a test, America would get a solid B.

Guy: Man America hates change.
Constitution: Yes, we do.

Britain: Look at America, stealing all of our credit after WW2.
Germany: You know you wouldn't have won without them, considering we were at your doorstep ready to get inside.

Soviet Union: We hate eachodderz guts.

by Coalman December 28, 2013

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Shit country. The people have no respect and are all fat racists. Their accents are fucking annoying and their tv is crap. They think they're better than Britain but they're not because they're all hopeless beggars who wouldn't even have their country if it wasn't for us amazing brits.

Person: Wow america sure is shit
American: no America the best all hail Donald trump *stuffs face with cheeseburger*

by Eep_29 March 4, 2018

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a country that gives birth to, Cancer, Aids, Liberals, Socialists, Capitalists and SJW's

Hobbies include,

Faking terrorist attacks, invading other countries, Supporting jews and calling countries that oppose them "Radical terrorists" and later invading them.

America is also the Birthplace of Aids, inventor of nuclear bombs and Autism

Average IQ: 50

Hey man where you from?


by FrozenNipplesInAJar September 21, 2017

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A unique country in both excellent and tragic ways, generally perceived as a pushover, bully-filled land of ignorant obese people and rednecks by those particularly unfamiliar with the country (though they are partially correct). Currently facing immense debt to other nations (particularly China), a long economic recession, steadily rising currency inflation, military overspending, a weak education system, and massive troop deployments in the Middle East without an end in sight. President is Barack Obama, Senate is controlled by Democrats while House is controlled by Republicans (which means shit don't happen fast). Not what it could've been, but not the shithole people'd like to think it is.

The general concession that Americans are all uneducated conservatives is about as true as the citizens of any other country.

by MLGQXLC March 20, 2011

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A place where 80% of its population are guaranteed to be fat, stupid, and lazy.

Asking a person from America for help is like asking a monkey relationship advice.

by a random brit September 30, 2012

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