He's the most cutest and hottest boy you'll ever meet. He may act like a dickhead, but on the inside he's a softie.
Girl 1: OMG he's so fine
Girl 2: I heard his name is Amin
Girl 3: Not gonna lie Amin is kind of cute
A nigga that loves doing hotties and has a $1000 bounty on his head. When his pickle is tickled he goes into black mamba mode consuming all full cream milk within a 30km radius
He's a nice enough guy, cute and all but he doesn't know how to treat the people in his life, specifically women, right. He thinks too highly of him self and gets off on demeaning those he claims to love.
Did you hear about that guy who didn't treat his gf right? Yeah that was amin
he is a very short person with a bad hairline and wears boots to make himself taller hes a midget thats bald with no hairline.
Amin is a translated Arabic word , it always used for Islam religion after they pray, just like a christian ( Amen ).
Amin is means "Hopefully simplified" .
person1= I pray to God to keep me away from bad things happening, amin (amen)
When Girls see Amin they cant ressist him, he's like magnet for girls. A true player!