The Boobs of Annabelle are the biggest thing in the world. They are so huge
WTF bro ! Your home look like Boobs of Annabelle !
1👍 1👎
Annabelle rose bray is one of those people you don’t mess around with. She’ll tease the boys that like her but is very (very!) picky about who she will date. She has the bluest eyes you will look into and has beautiful curly hair. Annabelle may not be perfect when it comes to her complexion but she knows her flaws are what strengthens her. She has ups and downs and, yes, she regrets some things she’s done, but she will apologize if she knows she needs to. If you get a chance to hold on to an annabelle rose bray, do it. And never let go. Because it’s up to her if you get a second chance and you would would be the luckiest guy in the world if you ever got one from her.
I love her. She’s annabelle rose bray.
They are the gryphon school crew. Masterbate 14 times a day
Omg I seen a Annabelle, Jimmy, Tristan, Oscar
Wow, I fucked a Jimmy before, he cool, shit at rocket league but at least he has a lot of lunch in his lunch box for school
When you reject a boy by accepting his offer and never scheduling. This can be done when someone is always “busy” when someone wants to hangout. This is a polite way to reject someone, but is also mis-leading. The person rejecting does not need to be named Annabelle.
“Man when I asked Annabelle to hookup she said she was down. Now whenever I ask her to hang she says she is busy.” “Dang man thats a hard Annabelle Rejection right there.”
This is a person that is rude to their sibling and is loud and thinks that she/he is always right and doesn't know when to stop talking but somehow they get friends
Have you seen Annabelle Everett's brother? He's soo hawttt
Your average tween, except for the fact that she looovoves Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Nordstrom! She has many crushes including: M**** C***** and P******. Her favorite catchphrase is "WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK, I LOOK LIKE A FRICKIN' TREE" Likes to occasionally moan, know....