A “tall boots” argument is the use of the propaganda technique of Intentional Vagueness combined with “allusory correlation” to passively insinuate causation between a correlation without directly saying it. The employer of this annoying method of bullshittery, while never explicitly stating the idea itself, instead leads someone to believe they came to their own conclusions based on their insinuations by suggesting it to them, and not explaining further.
The term comes from the tall boots that nazi’s wore - or more specifically, pointing out that nazi’s wore tall boots TO someone wearing tall boots with the phrase “I’m not saying you’re a nazi, but…” while clearly insinuating a connection to someone wearing tall boots, and nazis. The argument is illogical, but this technique is effective because it leads people into trying to figure out what the argument *is* rather than examining the argument itself, no matter how stupid it is.
You will know when that annoying friend of yours is using this technique in two steps:
1. The start with the phrase “I’m not saying *insert subject of connection*, but…” before trailing off
2. You tell them that that’s stupid, which prompts only a shrug, rather than any extrapolation
Xavier: Oh dude, check out my new boots!
Jake: They look pretty tall.
Xavier: Hell yeah! Leather, too.
Jake: You know, nazis wore tall boots.
Xavier: Shut the hell up Jake, what kinda “tall boots” argument bullshit is that.
Everyone on twitter: Oh my god, Jake is right…what the hell is wrong with Xavier
(Now apply this example to a news outlet of your choice)
after arguing you guys fuck it out
we finished arguing so we had to do the argument rule.
Niche Argument is a kind of argument that uses of situational arguments or arguments that has little use or no use, mainly about things that has little use or no use. Niche argumentation is considered as an evolution of the classical argumentative fallacies, since niche arguments are hard to spot despite they are used often as fallacious.
"Almost all arguings and debates on Internet are always based on niche argumentation, it's really hard to people do not use a niche argument nowadays."
Someone who wallows on the wrong side of argument like a pig would wallow in mudd
The sky is not fucia, it's blue! Quit being such an argument pig
Words people use in arguments when they don't actually know what it means; or a word someone uses as an excuse or to accuse someone. Often said by people who saw a word used by another person and not even going as far to search what it means.
1. "you're a fucking nazi"
"do you even know what a Nazi is? Or are you just using an argument word"
Making up a scenario in your head that makes you mad then complaining about it to others like it actually happened almost like shadow boxing but for neckbeards
"Yeah I understand the appeal of shows like Naruto and one piece, but the fanbases compare their show to shows like berserk as if they're close." (has never seen anyone do that therefore, shadow argument)
"The David Argument" is a form of argument that is made when you have no actual comeback or good argument, often used by people that has poor debating skills and usually ends up in the losing side of a debate. This type of argument often starts off with "says the guy that..." and follows up with a personal attack against the other person (sometimes against the other persons family members or relatives) with no correlation to the subject being discussed whatsoever. This form of argument is said to be originated from a individual that was called "David" hence the name "The David Argument".
"Why are you using "The David Argument", cant you come up with better arguments?"
" Oh you're using "The David Argument" now, shows how poor your debating skills are"
"Only weird people with no intellect uses "The David Argument"