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BS antenna

A cerebral device used to indicate when someone is lying in order to avoid, circumvent or mitigate negative circumstances.

There is no sense in lying to this customer. Just acknowledge the error . The Director of Operations has a very sensitive BS antenna.

by X_AlterEgo_X September 30, 2015


Microsoft bullshit.

Unpleasant stuff Microsoft ships with its software and there being little you can do about it.

I like windows but I really hate all that m$bs that comes with it

by JL_. June 30, 2022

Political bs

What a douchebag calls it when they’re reminded that minorities exist

“Ugh this new movie is so bad it’s just woke propaganda virtue signalling political bs!” - Kevin, after watching Lightyear

by B-ballerJkImWhite September 2, 2022

BS-Shit Show

Acronym for Bullshit+Shit Show. The bullshit one is talking is sure to cause a shit show. Nothing good will come from that conversation, meeting, traffic stop, so on and so forth.

BS-Shit Show:
The 2020 Election was a bullshit shit show.

Everything Trump says and does is a bullshit shit show.

That status caused a bull shit shit show

by DomSubImmaSub69 November 23, 2020

Bs dough

Working your fucking ass off for bull shit money

I got all this bs dough from working 7 days last week. I feel like a nigger

by Fat jun February 12, 2013

Bitty Squad (BS)

A Bitty Squad is a term used to describe a group of females that are dressed slutty or that are acting slutty. Or to describe a group of girls you just don't like, that think their shit smells like pruned roses.

Look at this Bitty Squad (BS) walking in the bar! $20 says I can get one of them to go home with me!

by Trickle Motorsports March 13, 2017


Big sexy beef stick

Hey baby give me your bs bs

by Bryleigh and Tayler July 8, 2018