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When producers, actors, or studios intentionally provoke or antagonize their audiences in order to generate publicity, create artificial controversy, or deflect genuine criticism, especially in cases of new and expensive productions.

"Amazon is fan-baiting by calling everyone who criticizes Rings of Power racists."
"Didn't Star Wars do the same thing with Kenobi?"

by OkiShisa September 13, 2022

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


When a news article or link has a provocative title in order to get you to click on it.
Even though it's actually total sensationalism bullshit.

'President Obama loves KKK!?'

"Hey what the fuck, Deshaun you see this shit?"
"Ahah man, that shit's just click-bait!"
"Obama loves the Krispey Kreme's new special item, 'Krispey Glazed Bear Claws.'"

by John Nostalgia August 2, 2014

520πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž

bait ball

A school of small fish that clump together as a defence to increase their odds of survival against predators. Anchovies, Sardines, and Herring are an example of types of fish that use this tactic.

hey look! it's a under water clowd! no bra, its a fricken bait ball.

by fish bra October 16, 2009

26πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

baited breath

What one gets from eating sushi.

You could tell where they’d dined by the baited breath and the aroma of sake.

by Ξ”ΠΈΕ‚Δ¦β˜ΌΠΈΧ¦ ΓŸβ‚¬β‚‘Κž April 7, 2009

2007πŸ‘ 276πŸ‘Ž


The act of intentionally encouraging racism or anger about issues relating to race, often to get a political advantage.

He accused his opponent's campaign of race-baiting in saying the tax cut will not help minority families.

by Julesann123 March 20, 2020

168πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

biddy bait

a lure used to attract a hot female into the open where she is susceptible to yourself and your bros. perferbly a snickerdoodle

We need some biddy bait for those bitches.

by Hu ManK1la July 13, 2010

bait snatcher

A guy who takes all the girls from the rest of the civilized population

Bait snatcher is James kim

by HEYSUCKA123jk April 13, 2014