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cheers and gone

A way of saying goodbye used particularly in Cornwall, UK

Cornish wanker - "geddon pard! See ya tomorrow!"
Me - "cheers and gone"

by Rodallegabombs December 30, 2016

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Devil Be Gone

A phrase to totally shut someone down for saying something stupid or unmanly. Usually you yell it then smack them on the head.

Guy-I always get steak. Did you?!?
Girl- I actually got the chicken.
Guy- DEVIL BE GONE!!! *smack*

Guy 1- lets go to crossroads.
Guy 2- more like crossdicks.
Guy 1- DEVIL BE GONE!!!! *smack*

by WSlovestubas June 1, 2007

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An object or act of a person that totally unarouses a guy. Someone or something that kills the mood. Something that makes you anti-horny. cockblock buzzkill

Rad: Hey, check out these hot girls on the computer.

K-Dogg: **walks by with buttcrack showing**

Rad: Aw come on dude, you're a boner-be-gone.

by Raditude December 8, 2008

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she gone

a down ass bitch who up and left

She used to be here but now...She Gone

by She Gone August 12, 2015

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gone with the weed

basically someone who is either lean or stoned, or getting of there heads on drugs, or someone that has devoloped a mental illness through excessive or habital smoking of cannibis

mate have you seen that film, harold and kumars, they are gone with the weed. me and my friends are getting stoned tonight we are gonna be gone with the weed. that man is acting weird, talking to himself, his gone with the weed mate.

by Apoclamite July 9, 2010

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gone detroit!

When somebody goes absolutely crazy, out of their mind and giving you threats to beat your ass or shoot you or rob you and so on.... Or the other is if you are simply going to pay a visit to Detroit, Michigan.

1.gone detroit
A: I'm Going to fucking beat your sorry ass you mother fucker! Oh and I'm gonna chase you around with my AK- 47 Bitch!
B: oh I think she has "gone detroit"! man....!
C: Pack your things, we are heading to the State of Michigan.

D: Oh Yeah "gone detroit!" Yippie!

by MissKilla1 February 11, 2014

Gone shroominโ€™

Gone shroomin' is the feeling of pure bliss when you leave your house unattended while looking for shrooms. The excitement that you might get robbed plus the idea of finding shrooms is overwhelming. Typically someone will hang a โ€˜gone shroominโ€™ sign on their door to alert their neighbours, friends and family of their whereabouts.

โ€œWhere were you last weekend?โ€
โ€œOh me? I was gone shroominโ€™ the whole time!โ€

by scaglad October 2, 2018