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The holy book of Christianity and Judaism. It teaches about objective morality and how to live the correct godly and spiritual life. The founding document of western civilization and human value. That’s why feminists hate it because Jesus would call them degenerate to their face and they don’t believe in morality or human value.

The Bible teaches moral wisdom while intersectionality teaches degeneracy and evil.

by JohnHD1998 January 6, 2021

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A word derived from James Bible like actions, whether it being on the lacrosse field or in everyday life. He is a folklore legend, a Paul Bunyon of sorts. He was known to play Lacrosse with a Redwood Tree and still outrun a cheetah. He was also known for drinking glasses of liquor at a time, while conquering asthma.

Also known as Drinking Alcohol, along with a phrase used with a physical gesture of manhood.

"Dude, look at Noah, he's bibling all over the place"

"Hey, you guys wanna go bible over at my place?"

"Hey, you like that bible? huh, do ya?"

by AJMajew February 13, 2007

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The Bible

A long ass paragraph that has to do with something extremely simple.

"Yeah, I'm not about to read a reply that is literally the bible on a comment that was a joke."

by SmithJacks September 15, 2020

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The Bible

If I had to describe life in 783,137 words it would look something like this.... I might need an editor...

Hym "The Bible works pretty well but it violates the basic premise of the game. You're using someone else's answers to the test."

by Hym Iam July 21, 2022

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The Good Book. The number-one selling book of all time. The living, breathing, inspired Word of God. God's message to us on how we can find the only way to him---through Jesus his Son, so we can obtain salvation. Composed of the New and Old Testaments and 66 smaller β€œbooks,” the Bible was written over thousands of years from Moses (who wrote Genesis) around 3000 BC to John the Revelator (who wrote Revelation) at the end of the first century. The general theme of the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is that human beings are stuck in the middle of a spiritual war between God and Satan for the souls of mankind. Luckily, the Cross of Jesus Christ, the central figure of the Bible, allows human beings to choose which side they will swear allegience to. The Old Testament looks FORWARD to a coming Messiah and the Cross for our redmeption, while the New Testament looks BACK at the Cross. The Bible opens with the creation of the Universe and β€œthe fall” of mankind and finishes with the Great White Throne Judgement, when all evil (including Satan and his followers) will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, putting an end to evil once and for all. The Bible is used for reporoof, for correction, for teaching and instructing in the way that human beings need to live. The Bible calls itself a β€œsword,” proving that it is very divsive among people. Yes, the truth will be divisive but effective to save the lost. People have tried to disprove it for centuries but it will never happen. Its message will NEVER be destroyed as it claims, proving to be the true Word of God Almighty.

The Bible is the guide for human beings to live by so that we may have hope.

by krock1dk@yahoo.com December 12, 2007

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"I think some cool motherfucker sat down a long time ago and said, Let's figure out a way to control motherfuckers. That's why they came up with the Bible."
god forbid, the bible is true :P
Source: mm, Mar 10, 2005

Tupac's dead!

Plus,you know....he sucked!

by fuck Tupac March 21, 2005

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Bible Pimp

Someone who tries to sell you on the idea of Jesus and/or God.

This Bible Pimp was downtown giving out Jesus pamphlets for Easter.

by will bitten September 15, 2017

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