On 28th November you have to bully your boyfriend or boy bestfriend and they can not bully you back
National bully boyfriends day is revenge for him bullying you :)
On the 28 november
You get to bully your boyfriend or your bestfriends boyfriend
Girlfriend: guess what day it is
Boyfriend: oh no
Bestfriend: oh yes
Girlfriend: national bully boyfriends day!
Person 1: Babe do you know what day it is?
Person 2: Omg it’s feb 12 isn’t it?!
Person 1: Yeah it’s National Füćk Your Boyfriend Day :)
An unofficial annual celebration held on November 3rd, where straight men spend 24 hours acting as each other's boyfriends. The day encourages platonic affection, camaraderie, and playful exploration of same-gender relationships, allowing bros to experience a different dynamic without any romantic pressure.
"Dude, it’s November 3rd! Time for Be Your Bro's Boyfriend Day! Let’s hit the town and show some love!"
"On Be Your Bro's Boyfriend Day, we went to brunch, held hands, and watched a rom-com—it was surprisingly fun!"
On august 2nd you appreciate ur bf and make him feel special
Girl: hey today’s national boyfriend day lemme suck ur d.ck:)
Guy: Yh baby I feel really appreciated now , thank you :)
on august 3rd it’s national boyfriend day!!! yay
girlfriend: do you know w what today is?
boyfriend: what?
girlfriend: national boyfriend day!