Used as a heads up to your friends when a hot guy is spotted. Usually an exclaimation for girls between the ages of 14-18.
the spiritual haven that you reach when you become one with the burrito and have finally reached a point in your life when you feel complete. When you take a bite of that burrito and finally you have reached nirvana
A swear word usually used by Latvian people.
"Zandart , tu jobanais chipotle"
The only store with someone who asks you if you wanted mustard with your drink
Guy: hey can I have a medium drink?
Chipotle worker: want mustard on that?
Guy: ?
pronounced “chip ote ul” it is a swear word meaning similar to shut the fuck up or chill out.
“Look man I need you to Chipotle before I have to call my lawyer”
Chipotle is a mexican restaurant. I've actually never been there but apparently it's super good. I mean all the basic hoes love it. It's loved by many and tbh is overrated.
"Omg I love Chipotle. Chipotle is ma liiiife!"