A really sexy piece of fat found around a really sexy persons belly who looks slim and healthy and they also have a bit of belly to grab. When you grab it it feels like holding love.
Let me touch your chonk.
I want to spoon you and hold your chonk.
chonk is often used for telling somebody that they are thicc, chonk is tho mostly used towards animals.
My cat is a really phat assed chonk, I could rail her.
A hefty pair of Large, round, powerful, breasts adorning a six-ft plus, wide-shouldered and athletic woman.
She looked like a Roman warrior. Powerful shoulders and Huge chonks.
Chonk is Not the Highest Honour But also the Best being chonky is the best Chonk is Big Chonk is Biggs
Guy1 :Hey You chonky
Guy2:I know I’m so big I’m a big boy
You would use this word mostly to describe people who are metaphorically thic instead of physically because you know that if u said they were chonke irl they would drop kick you like you did to that child 2 years ago.