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A really sexy piece of fat found around a really sexy persons belly who looks slim and healthy and they also have a bit of belly to grab. When you grab it it feels like holding love.

Let me touch your chonk.
I want to spoon you and hold your chonk.

by lovechonk January 30, 2024


chonk is often used for telling somebody that they are thicc, chonk is tho mostly used towards animals.

My cat is a really phat assed chonk, I could rail her.

by elxxen June 1, 2021


A gay man that likes anal

I just met someone yesterday he was such a (chonk)

by Kiwi hurrbey February 4, 2021


A hefty pair of Large, round, powerful, breasts adorning a six-ft plus, wide-shouldered and athletic woman.

She looked like a Roman warrior. Powerful shoulders and Huge chonks.

by Low Den May 1, 2022


A crusty straight man

Justin is such a chonk.
Bo is acting chonky.

by cayfrizzle July 28, 2018


Chonk is Not the Highest Honour But also the Best being chonky is the best Chonk is Big Chonk is Biggs

Guy1 :Hey You chonky
Guy2:I know I’m so big I’m a big boy

by ChonkManeus August 31, 2020


You would use this word mostly to describe people who are metaphorically thic instead of physically because you know that if u said they were chonke irl they would drop kick you like you did to that child 2 years ago.

That boi is kinda chonke ngl

by Nicholas Dwyer December 7, 2021