Source Code


(หˆwศฏl-krศฏl--lษ™ng): Verb. The rural equivalent of mall-crawling. In small or isolated towns where there are no mall, clubs, or real entertainment venues, the denizens will often hang out at the local Wal-Mart to stave off boredom. Since Wal-Mart is generally open 24/7, this can also double as nightlife (for those who aren't too picky).

Example: "My brother and I wanted to drive to Austin and see a show, but I didn't have enough money. So we hit up Taco Bell and then went Wall-crawling."
Example: "I'm about to go Wall-crawling again because there's nothing else to do at 1:30 AM in this town. Please, someone stop me."
Example: "I went Wall-crawling again yesterday night, and I noticed they got new varieties of body wash. This has become my social life." *cries*
Example: "I seen my friends Lurlene and Deniesha at the Wally World last night when we was Wall-crawlin'. We done all tried on bras 'cause we's so bored, but we ditt'n buy none."
"Poor Jimmy, every night since his girlfriend left him he's gone Wall-crawling. And he always does the same thing - goes right down the greeting card aisle, reads them all, and punches the stuffed animals."

by Yachohime August 21, 2013

man crawl

What the hoes do on the weekends.

Becky lets go on a man crawl this weekend.

by That_One_Guy_100 July 10, 2017

crab crawling

When you finger pop 2 girls on either side of you, therefor moving you hands like a crab

Taylor went crab crawling this two sluts last weekend

by wellhungkid March 10, 2014

nom crawl

Like a pub crawl but going to different food places - eg cafes, restaurants, tapas bars etc.

There are so many good cheap restaurants on that street. Let's do a nom crawl and get a different course from each place!

I'm SO hungry - I'm going to nom crawl all over town until I'm full.

by mifmaf April 13, 2009

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yarn crawl

To tour/visit/salivate over a city's local yarn shops for extreme fiber enthusiasts.

"My BFF and I are going to Boston to do a yarn crawl. I just finished knitting a sweater and am jonesing for new yarn."

by QHatshepsut April 12, 2010

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ball crawl

Going out with friends from place to place doing a ball of coke.

- Let's go for a pub crawl and drink 32 beers !

- No man, with that kind of money, we can buy a ball of coke. Let's do a ball crawl and do 32 lines.

- What was I thinking man ?!

by dr_tightFold August 2, 2011

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Campus Crawl

The term used for taking a road trip to another college campus. This usually, but doesn't have to, include partying while at the new campus to the point where you have to crawl home from all the "extra curriculum" that you have partook in.

Broadrick: "Hey bro Texas plays Texas A&M in College Station this weekend and there's a huge concert this weekend there also."
Jaijoe: "So this means we're going to campus crawl to A&M right?"
Broadrick: "You already know!"

by Dallas Entourage September 10, 2012

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