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crime mob

Crazy crunk rappers.Crime mob are tight.I was at a show and called them the n word and now im in the hospital and probably not going to make it. Crime mob is the greated

"Crime mob sucks dick!"

by Sam February 21, 2005

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ass crime

The act of rubbing hard or scratching the area just above the tail of a dog.
Note that ass crime enjoyment increases with the age of the dog

You love your ass crime don't you Scoobs!

by Mark Asbell September 21, 2005

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scene of the crime

The area, most likely a room, in which one has had sex the previous night.

"Man, why is there cum all over the walls? You need to clean up the scene of the crime."

by Jghd erguiordf August 19, 2006

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Fighting Crime

Used when people are talking about making out but don't want to use the term making out.

Tyler and Pardis are always too busy fighting crime to hang out anymore.

by Ryan Joel March 20, 2008

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hate crime

noun (legalese )A relatively recent reclassification of a wide range of federal, state, county, and municipal legal offenses as additional, and almost always more seriously punished, offenses applying to the same individual act and/or acts. Hate crimes legislation is directed almost entirely against whites and Christians. Some smaller jusisdictions' statues even include specific lauguage defining exact circumstances under which such offenses can occur, such as "when a member of a majority wrongs a member of a minority race, religion or sexual presuasion, etc."

When I caught the home invader raping my daughter I shot and seriously wounded the purpatrator. Within 3 days the suspect was aquitted and I was charged with felony hate crime,sentenced to a $500 fine and 90 days in jail and sued for damages of ten million dollars for breach of civil rights by the N.A.A.C.P.

by can't not be racist June 19, 2005

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fight crime

A common misinterpretation of the everyday activities of a police officer. Something cops claim they do but tend to fuck off on and chase speeding cars because it's easier.

Pigs are commonly disrespected because they tend to stray away from their line of duty, which is to fight crime, and just love to ruin your day with an unwarranted fine.

by qwerty keyboard August 3, 2007

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Crime Minister

Prime minister's that think they're above the law and have broken the law --- right now Boris Johnson has said he will defy the law in the UK to get what he wants --- he is a Crime Minister

Boris Johnson is the biggest crime minister ever even saying in interviews he he will defy the law to get what he wants

by Headcharge September 10, 2019

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