Sickness that you get after or during the all American quarter horse congress
I got the congress crud the first day of congress.
Any combination of airborne or suface-borne illnesses, contracted by the sharing of handheld electronic devices, D&D dice, cards or videogame controllers between various geeks of questionable hygiene. (Also See 'Nerd Flu')
Did you hear that 10,000 people came down with the Geek Crud after that gaming convention last week?
Crud-apples is another, yet a friendly way to cuss. Or, as some people call it, Hill Billy bad words.
"Crud-apples! I dropped my phone!"
"That was today!? Crud-apples!"
"Crud-apples! It's due tomorrow
Meaning Match Your Friend A Loud Blunt Of Bud
Me:Blow Crud Bro
Him:Come On Let's Match
The collection of organic or inorganic residue that collects at the water line of hot tubs, bath tubs, sitz bath or any other standing water, after it has been violated by people who refuse to shower before entering.
The residue may be a combination of sweat, hair, various body fluids, chemicals, beauty products, herpes simplex, excrement and other undisolved as yet unclassified solids and other things to numerous to mention. It may be easier to define it in the aggregate as "Nasty shit you don't want to touch"
I am not getting near that crud ring!
The stuff in Donald Trumps ass after a gangbang on the streets of Russia
Man what's that smell is that street crud? Nah man I ain't got that shit Donald does up his ass.
Crudded is a word used to emphasize frustration or discontent. It is often used before a curse word but does NOT take place to the curse word. Sometime the word crud may be used by itself but only in the occasion that there is extreme anger or dissatisfaction in a recent argument.
A cridder crudded crapped in my crudding coleslaw.