One of the most underappreciated artists in hip hop absolute legend who is probably in the top 5 best rappers currently in rap
Person 1: "what are you listening to?"
Person 2: "SPEEDBOAT by Denzel Curry."
Person 1: "I love that song the person reading this should probably listen to it!"
An attractive person of Indian or middle eastern decent.
Cutie-pie plus Indian guy equals Curry Pie.
A typical Indian Kid who LOVES curry and shares it with friends
Usually ends with a fight in a school as it is sooo tasty
Mohammed:I brough curry to school today
Hanish :Give me the curry or ill curry smash you
Ends in a Fight
An elevator packed full of Indians. Common in U.S. high-tech companies.
Dude, you're late. What happened?
I had to wait for an elevator. The first two were full and I didn't feel like riding the curry lift.
Curry Microwave, noun. A microwave, often found in British households, which is dedicated to preparing and microwaving curries.
This is due to the scent of curries tainting the “main microwave”, so an additional dedicated curry microwave is required.
Could you please make a curry in the curry microwave?
The curry microwave needs cleaned.
Could you stop making curries in the main microwave, we have a curry microwave for that!
a homosexual who is attracted to east indian homosexuals
63👍 18👎
A euphemism commonly used in the gay community for an orgy
Person one: Did you hear that jack and the boys went for a curry over the weekend
1👍 7👎