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Demi Moore

An actress who has habitually tried to break barriers for women, and consequently, has repeatedly stirred up controversy. Though thought to be successful in certain aspects, she is also thought to have taken on some arguably adverse movie roles contributing to the image of a woman as a sex symbol.

She is also known for her beautiful skin.

Marriage Ashton Kutcher
Nude pregnancy pose
Role in a film as a female in the military

Demi Moore did that first.

by Cynthia9 May 29, 2008

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alexa demie

the hottest human on earth, in fact one of the hottest living right behind Rihanna and Marilyn.

alexa demie is so hot

by Jaxaxon June 8, 2022


A heavily armed, feared solider in the army of Chang, in the service of Plutarch of Protoss, sworn to defend the Viscount.

The Demi-Gwork approached the Commodore, and all, even the likes of General Kazoo, became hushed as they awaited the encounter.

by chaseoff May 13, 2014


A person who thinks like a hoe but doesn't act like one or vice-versa

I'm not a hoe I'm a Demi-hoe because I post bible verses on Facebook.

by Horhay von lichtenstien October 21, 2013


A person of mixed African or Caribbean heritage who clearly shows signs of being Black, but isn't entirely. Also commonly known as lightskins. Demi-Niggas tend to be constantly in their feelings and have an affinity for listening to Drake tracks on repeat for hours on end.

"Ayo my moms is white."
"Oh damn son, so you a demi-nigga?"

by ogdeminigga February 15, 2019

demi lardner

Is a south australian "Comedian", she is not funny at all.

Friend: Yo Demi Lardner is so funny
Me: Go kys pls

by ma namma jeff May 5, 2018

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The term demidog/demi-dog, meaning half-dog, is commonly used to describe small/midsized "dogs" though they may look,smell & sound like a dog they arent. They often lack personality, playful,& exciting lives. They arent big enough to be a dog,often times prance around,shake,yap for no real reason,snort,cant scratch or clean themselves properly,& look as if something went wrong in the breeding. Demis are seen dressed up,carried,& better taken care of than often times the kids in the family;can end up replacing them.

demis are not necessarily (though you can still classify them as)
-rodents (such as Chihuahua, Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian, Tibetan Spaniel, Prazsky Krysarik or anything that might be seen carried in a purse or by Paris Hilton. Anything with "miniature" or "toy" in the name.
-& are most definitely not real dogs such as Golden Retriever, Labs, Border Collie, Boxer, Polish Hounds, Rottweiler, Weimaraner, German Shepherd, Husky, Doberman Pinscher, any dog typically breed for hunting, herding & other active lifestyles.

Theres confusion over what dogs are considered demis. Not all smaller/midsized dogs are demis. Take snoopy,all American traditional dog,yes small but definitely no demi, hes awesome! Heelers, theyre a smaller mid sized dog though they can take a kick to the face & dont give a crap. Some individual demis can be won over & work theyre way into your heart, pulling that individual dog out of the demi class but not necessarily the breed as a whole.

Demi-dogs are breeds such as Pug, Shih-tzu, Schipperke, Bulldog, Chinese Shar-Pei, Boston Terrier, Lhasa Apso, Maltese, Scottish Terrier (Scottie), American Cocker Spaniel, Chow Chow, Dachshund, Keeshond, Schnauzer ect.

by AN0NAM00SE December 28, 2011

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