E.. is the mighty letter of THIS WORLD its so powerful it can destroy the whole galaxy and scooby at 100% of his POWER!!
best man ever: E
world: *dies*
The fifth letter of the alphabet and also a dead meme based around an image of Markiplier's head being replaced by that of Lord Farquadd's.
Person: *laugther*
Normie: What's so funny:
Person: *shows them the "E" meme*
Normie: How is an E funny?
“E” when someone used E or e it is them saying they are superior. When someone says what or doesn’t know what it means. It really means the agree
Parker: Hey dude
You: E
Parker: STOP! What does it mean!
You: Thank you
Parker: ? it means thank you?
You: Thank you again
Parker: …