When life isn't going as planned.
You know Jahviero, la vie est rasoir.
Aiden Estes the sexiest man alive. The stud of all men. The man of your dreams.
He is such a Aiden Estes. I want to be With Him.
When one simply refuses to be the cutest because another is simply cuter than cuter.
The cute panda could not simply be called cute for it was the cuter-est. Even cuter than cute.
A term homosexuals use to express that they just engaged in oral or anal sex.
Man me and Joe were esting all night
A way to describe a person who's better than the best
You're the bestest-est-est
This word defines a person as someone who is superior to everyone else. They're so unreal you can't even get on their level!
Jake and Nat are two of the minty-est kids around!