He has excellent dick but still pussy cause he cant use a cell phone .
1. A salutation for the socially-awkward meaning, "Good-bye. Thank you for a wonderful day of joy, jokes, and memories. Hope the remainder of your day is excellent, and you make kickass pumpkin carvings of animal orifices."
Florence: "Bye, excellent navigation today."
Taylor: "Excellent butthole."
Taylor: "I'm sorry. My brain has been exhausted of all energy levels, and it just decided to stop functioning. I am ashamed."
Say ex cell ement. When someone has succeeded or persevered.
The excellement of the class was amazing - they deserve a treat.
when your dick is so large that it rips your partner from her vagina to her bunghole, and your creampie runs through the uni-crack into her asshole.
"Dammit Tim, you ripped me and gave me a uni-crack!"
"It's okay Tina, I can use this opportunity to give you a River of Excellence!"
The 3P's are defined as;
People, Process and Product.
These are Essential Elements towards Achievement and Sustainment of Performance Excellence
Life is all about People, going through a Process delivering a Product that is ultimately measured between the date they were born until they die. "The Dash" (The 3P's of Performance Excellence)
A person who doesn't necessarily work badly with others, but excels most when working alone.
I work great with others, but unleash me on a project myself, and you'll see I'm a solo exceller.