Source Code

green fn

used when someone hits an insane shot in basketball

green indicates a good shot
fn is short for "fuck nigga"

guy 1 playing basketball: *shoots the ball across the seven seas*
guy 2 watching: "dude that was crazy"
overhyped guy 3 watching: "GREEN FN!!!!!!"

by Ryce The Belgian April 22, 2024

Green fn

"Green fn" is said whenever someone's shot is wet asf. This is usually said after someone doubts you.

Bobby: Jake, ain't no way you make that shot

*Jake makes the shot*

Jake: Green fn

by BllltGow March 5, 2024

green fn

green fortnite. iykyk.

i luv green fn

by xtremedestoryer142 March 21, 2024

Green FN

Green FN stands for "green f*** n****" people more use it with basketball

When i hit a 3 pointer i said green fn

by Problem_Child March 15, 2024


when you play 2k and you score a green you say GREEN FN

over your head top lil boy GREEN FN

by Daniel Hortan March 27, 2024

Green FN

Green FN is a popular term in 2K but can be used anywhere else. It originally relates to a feature in the game, green, but you fail to use it properly. The FN part means f-ing. In other games, however, it can be used in these ways:
To say someone is doing bad, or selling a game.

To say someone annoys you.

“Remember that one Green FN shot you made?”
“Shut up, my finger slipped. I could clap you in a 1v1 easily.”

by LetsGoLanguageArts1 April 20, 2024

Green FN

Green FN started its journey from 2k21-4. The meaning of Green FN is when you make a perfect release in 2k, but it soon changes as some people say Green FN as in shooting your shot.

Hits a perfect release
Green FN

by Raze fire April 22, 2024