No, you jackass. That's not how it works. What you're doing is what every idiot on the planet does when there's some sort or disagreement. It's the most common modern fallacy. It's not an official fallacy. It's ORIGINAL. UNIQUE. Which is what I do here. ORIGINAL refutations of morden misconceptions.
Hym "Let's call it 'Dismissal from emotion falacy.' Here's how it's works: You use my emotional state or project a negative emotional state (Anger, Jealousy, Fear) on to me for the purposes of dismissing a proposition or statement. It's fallacious (obviously) because my emotional state has has no baring on the truth of my proposition. 2+2=4 regardless of whether or not I'm angery while I tell you that 2+2=4. My emotional state is irrelevant. And by accusing me of 'Jealousy' you're doing the EXACT SAME THING leftist do when they accuse conservatives of being transphobes or homophobes. Protecting 'Fear' on to them for the purpose of dismissing their propositions. There you have it. 'Dismissal from emotion fallacy' that's the thing you're doing. Look for it. You'll see it all the time. People do it all the time."
This is how you win a debate. You call out Nemesis Fallacy and your opponent has to concede. Nemesis Fallacy is anything you want it to be. Use your omnipotence to give it a definition.
"I call Nemesis Fallacy."
"I plead Nemesis Fallacy."
The Fryan Fallacy is when you don't know what you're talking about and link the first thing you find on google that you think supports your opinion, but it outright refutes it.
Your own source debunked your own claim. You just committed the Fryan Fallacy.
Definition: The Lamb Fallacy, or Fallacia Agnorum, is a type of faulty reasoning marked by intentional deception. It occurs when misleading information is used to create a distorted view of reality, leading people to accept conclusions that are logically unsound. Key features include deceptive premises, distorted conclusions, an intent to deceive, and flaws in the logical structure. The term highlights how individuals can be misled and underscores the importance of critically evaluating information.
In a political discourse, the speaker employed The Lamb Fallacy by selectively presenting data to support their narrative, intentionally distorting the information to mislead the audience into accepting a conclusion that did not accurately reflect the true state of affairs.
Your boss's belief that, no matter how much work there is to be done, it will all be finished before the Christmas holidays so "we can start next year with a clean slate." See also "work smarter not harder."
"This is a joke. We'll never get it done before Christmas."
"Yeah, I know. The Christmas Fallacy. Fancy a beer?"
When you make a comparison between two things and the person you're tries to argue that you're trying to claim that there is a moral equivalence between one of the things you're talking about and the comparison.
Iam "Fallacy of moral equivalence is such a lazy argument. I'm not saying that you are like Jesus and you're fans are like lepers. What I'm saying is this: Sometimes, in life, we can't always be for people what they want (or even need) us to be. And I see that it pains you a great deal. And that's ok. And I can relate to that. Not because I'm like Jesus..."
Hym "But because I'm better than Jesus. Like, 2 maybe 3 times better. At least. I'm obviously not a filthy leper. If that were the comparison I were making than I would OBVIOUSLY be God because I'm the one watching the thing happened. But then I would be a filthy abomination..."
Iam "I wasn't fin..."
Hym "You were finished. I doubt you even had a point."
Iam "I was going to say that I understand the feeling and that you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. I think back on my life and can see that if I changed maybe 3 things everything would be so radically different that I wouldn't even be the same entity. So, if the present is the future's past, you don't really have to do all that much. Just 3 things."
Hym "That's the problem with the rest of these morons. They're trying to do too much. And they're obnoxious. And they don't give me enough of their things. Everyone needs to give me their things. I need them more than they do."
thinking you're always right when you are in fact, always wrong
"i think i'm always right" - tyler noack
"the classic tyler noack fallacy" - everybody who knows him