Being normal for your own normal, uninhibited and unapologetically yourself in the most anarchic way possible, without any masks or bowing to cultural demands.
Mel has gone feral, and I like who they are now a lot more.
An adjective to describe a group of extremely funny streamers
National holiday: Feral February
Did you see the feral boys stream last night? they were popping off.
When is the next feral boys stream?
the act of licking the streets and taking your shoes off the moment you enter the club (without socks) to get up on the nearest elevated platform in sight.
Let’s get feral!
Let’s maya epstein the night away!
A young adult that has come into an older adult's life, usually bringing chaos and general absurdity to the older adult's unsuspecting routine.
"My Feral called me asking if it was bad that her café-dumpster kitten chewed up her W2, if the cat would be okay, and what to she even needed the W2 for. It is April 12th."
A women who throws her bag and shoes in a bush, chases cars down the streets, grabbing them, attacking the victims inside the vehicle shouting abuse.
What is this feral women doing chasing me down the street