usually the last few days or the second week of a pay period during which most if not all the money from a previous paycheck has been spent, most of it on bills, debts, and food, leaving very little left for leisure. A prevalent feature of the lives of young adults
dammit, I have 10 bucks left which I need for gas, gonna be in a financial catapult the rest of this week!
In*con*ti*nence, noun (L. incontinentia)
A condition that results in the pissing away of money; piss away money.
I'd be rich if it wasn't for my financial incontinence.
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A form of control where someone limits access to your money, drains your assets, or makes you financially dependent on them to exert power and trap you in a relationship.
If this feels familiar, it's okay to seek help or just talk to someone you trust. You deserve safety and happiness.
Financial abuse is a manipulative tactic that isolates the woman financially, making it harder for her to leave the relationship.
Abuser: "You don't need a separate bank account
—I'll take care of everything. Just transfer your paycheck to me, and I'll make sure the bills are paid. You're terrible with money anyway, so this is for the best."
A short term investment that has gone bad.
Investing in GME is a very viable long term financial investment.
Financial Rape - When a business or organization fails to monetarily compensate you for your services to your expectations.
Home Depot commits financial rape by paying people $5 an hour.
Financial Combustion is a phenomenon that is best described and often related to large companies, like Wal-Mart, that move in and invade your business territory.
First sparks are seen coming from your battered store as your skinny wife and hungry children watch in horror as flames engulf your business premise completely until only fireman and ashes are visible.
This occurs when your businesses are unfortunately in the same neigborhood.
Followed by a desperate call to your insurance company.
This also applies to neigborhoods were Homo-Depot, Cocksco, resturants like Mc Pukes, and Grim Hortons make the move on ya!
Financial Combustion Starvation Deprivation Misfortune possible Death Anger Fire