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the most horny person to ever exist

Finn is horny again right?
Oh yeah he plays fortnite{

by Kaoru Seta October 17, 2019

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A body part on a sea animal, or the most idiotic person you have ever met. I true dumb ass.

What is that guy doing? I don't know, he is such a Finn.

by John s superman January 1, 2018

2πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

A Finn

A Finn is known as a loser, and he’s gay for Tyler Herro. A Finn thinks he’s a stud but in reality Soleil is the real stud.

β€œFinn is such a loser”

by Olivia longneck November 21, 2020

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


v.) 1. to flake, to absentmindedly abrogate responsibilities.
2.) to disappoint, to let down

We were planning on playing together, but he totally finned on me.

I don't know how I can trust him, he's finned so many times.

by petey128 March 19, 2009

11πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


Finn has a small penis the size of a cocktail sausage. also he is very good with girls but when it comes round to shagging is shit and wouldn't even be able to get a pull of a dead body. Finn spends most his time sending picture to boys off his nipples to men and also spends his time in bed wanking his little dick to pictures of teachers and girls in his classes covering his bed in his spunk

Finn is a bellend

by bigblackmamba69 December 19, 2017

2πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Finn; (pleb)
A kid who doesn't believe in Global Warming even with the massive amount of evidence that proves it's real. Apparently his mentality states that if he doesn't believe it personally, it's not true (fact or not). You'd think only small children would deny facts based solely on his personal feelings on a different group of people but nope! Most of his arguments include his annoyingly receptive statement that every source brought up to his pudgy face that disproves his beliefs are "fake news" or "bias because a democrat wrote it."

Person 1 -"Did you hear Finn thinks Hillary Clinton and her team murdered someone?!"
Person 2 - "What an idiot!"
Person 1 - "yeah!"

by Truthtellerhaha3345 October 5, 2017

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Big boy simp who likes many girls named Berta and Charlotte

Big boy simp who likes many girls named Berta and Charlotte

friend 1 : i swear Finn is so sympathetic
Finn : stop being sarcastic
friend 2 : you are though
waleed : saves the day

by gakdfbasdbus February 27, 2020

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