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High five

A group of five or so guy who have been smoking to much weed.

"Watch out for any high fives, they don't know what they're doing."

by AppleSauceandCrayola April 2, 2016

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high five surprise

When you fist someone and once inside you open your hand, as if you were to high five someone.

So i was fistin this bitch and i gave her the ole High Five Surprise

by youknowhatimnotgonnagivemyname April 18, 2010

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Rihanna high five

An act of slapping ones spouse, usually ones girlfriend or wife. This makes reference to when a man by the name of Chris Brown beet the singer Rihanna until she was almost unrecognizable.

My girlfriend didn't make me a good enough sandwich so i told her to get her ass back into the kitchen and gave her a "Rihanna high five"

by Fiveman December 4, 2011

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austrilan high five

when tag teaming a girl and you and another mans balls slap

me and ted where tag teaming veronica i was giving him a austrilan high five the whole time

by badmoond September 13, 2011

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dusty high five

A dusty high five is a sexual maneuver where after anal sex you use your hand to wipe your partner's anus and slap them in the face.

"You gave her a dusty high five? You ruthless mothafucka!"

by Rusty Shacklefert May 12, 2006

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libyan high five

A Libyan celebratory tradition of shooting five bullets in the air. A knock-off of the American high five, only you can do it solo.

Those guys dragging Gaddafi down the streets totally did a Libyan high five, they were so excited!

by youtalkintome October 28, 2011

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jumping high five

see white guy high five

While a jumping high five is cool in theory, it actually looks quite stupid.

by bakaryu August 10, 2004

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