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Max Hall

Max Hall is a legend. He has a 10 incher and can make any MILF he encounters in the library cum on the spot.

Max Hall: Hey babe!

MILF: AHAHAHAHAaklsfnklSJNFKLJK:LfjskldajfkljKLJFlksjdlkfgjLKJfklsadjflkJFL:jsadlkfjljkdsbnvjk *CUM*

by YT - Sky Stories November 11, 2016

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Seabury Hall

A place where teachers are just as jaded as the students and threaten to kick there dogs if we dont pay attention. Where everyone has mental breakdowns at least twice a semester. And where if your reading this at all your probobly in the lab and Turby is at lunch so you took these sweet minutes to go on Youtube and waist your time that you could be spending doing homework thats due the next class. But instead, your looking up your own fucking school on Urban Dictionary...peanut butter hahahaha

Guy at beach: where do u go to school?

Student: Seabury Hall

Guy: oh...thats...thats cool

by Seabury student September 19, 2008

107๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

chow hall

A disgusting military place to eat. Adorned with bad art, uncomfortable furniture, and crappy food. Dick on a stick and soy burger's are prime examples.

We were dismissed for Thanksgiving liberty. All the lifers went home to their families and left me to go to the chow hall.

by mysticalkey August 15, 2006

99๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

hall cop

a duty teacher at a school who patrols the halls and thinks they are a real teacher.

"yo that hall cop was giving me shit for not stacking my chair"

by ashaan January 16, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

study hall

Where one goes to look up and make new words on urbandictionary.com

"Hey are you cutting study hall today?"
"Nah, I'm gonna go check out urbandictionary.com

by me(#2) June 3, 2005

124๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bailey Hall

Bailey Hall is the only dorm on the St Paul campus of the U of M, which means you need to take a 15 minute bus ride to get anywhere worth going to. St Paul Campus is full of nothing but farm animals (Beta of Clovia and LDPhi) and also actual farm animals. Part of the population of Bailey Hall consists of kids who actually chose to live there (if you can believe that), who are largely CFANS weirdos who did 4H and rode 4 wheelers to high school. Also found at Bailey are those kids who wear anime hats and Pikachu backpacks in public. The rest of Bailey kids are those who were too lazy to sign up for housing and were put there because it was the only space left. Most of these kids are chill as fuck and can be found chain smoking cigarettes outside the front doors, smoking pot on the lawn or in their dorms, or getting blackout in the dining hall on weekdays to drown out the pain of living in such a remote shit hole. There's like one security officer in the entire St Paul campus and the CAs don't give a shit, so it's practically impossible to not get away with shenanigans. Bailey low key frats harder than any of the other freshman dorms, and the kids who live there form an unbreakable bond because of their collectively shitty living arrangement and the countless intoxicated bus rides to & from Minneapolis that they share.

Freshman 1: Where do you live again?
Freshman 2: Uh... Bailey Hall.
Freshman 1: Where?
Freshman 2: Know what, nevermind. I live off campus okay?

by fuckinfratstar January 4, 2015

21๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Haas Hall

A School full of super smart and condescending people. The best scholar in the building is Jackson Ray Cruise. This man has strawberry red hair, a lanky build, and a laugh more contageous than aids in Heritage High in Rogers.

Jack: I go to Haas Hall
Stacy: You must be very smart and attractive
Jack: Can't you tell by looking at me?
Stacy: Let's kiss

by Warm__ February 7, 2023