A brief rush you feel after carrying out a genuine act of kindness.
I just got a helper's high after helping the old lady cross the road
A swimmer term used for when you backstorke, and you get tired or lazy. So as you pull your arm back ( as you backstroke) so you can grab the lane line and you pull your self closer to the fianish.
I was using my lane line helper all practice!
bitch who spend time with you and refuse to give you pussy
i have a good result on the dog show , many thank to my female helper
The pointy, clean french fry used to relinquish the other fries trapped under the mound of ketchup.
Person 1: "Dude. there are still fries under the ketchup."
Person 2: "Use a Helper-fry!"
Slang for Vehicular Manslaughter
“Hurry! Get IN the way! I’m committing Vehicular Manburger Helper!”