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Someone who is so indie and urban that they are actually mean and ignorant or possibly dead (or seam like it).

Those hipsters at american apparel were so boring and dead.

by SkankyBri June 18, 2008

66๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


total asshole who dabbles in douchebaggery; laughs at people wearing neck braces.

Emily, you're such a fucking asshole hipster. Why are you laughing at that kid in the neck brace?

by butchypoo7 October 30, 2010

38๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


The belief that the world revolves around you and your elite group of friends.

The followers are known as "Hipsters".

Hipsterism Believer 1: "Who's that kid?"

Hipsterism Believer 2: "No one worth talking about."

Hipsterism Believer 1: "Did you hear that new MGMT song?"

by Anonisamust April 5, 2009

54๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


Hipsters, they suck the life out of a neighborhood and move once there too many of them there. Because they hate each other just like everyone else hates them.

In some ways, it's low self esteem personalized into a culture. They think they belong in another culture because they hate the culture that's around them, including themselves.

So they feel the need to move constantly. Because insecure people are never happy so they keep moving because they blame everyone else around them for the way their life has turned out. And in the process other people pay for their insecurities.

Hipster 1: I really hate this neighborhood, it's full of hipsters. Everywhere I go, I spot people wearing band shirts like mine, they're such wannabes. I'm sure none of them heard of the Snot Rocketeers.

Hipster 2: (bong rip) I heard of this place in Pennsylvania named Brooklyn. Since we live in Brooklyn now, wouldn't it be ironic if we move out of Brooklyn to live in Brooklyn?

by AUED June 6, 2013

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person, usually in their 20s, who likes indie music, alternative lifestyles, indie films, riding fixed gear bikes, and hanging out in bars and other places you probably never heard of.

An actual hipster doesn't go around saying things like "I'm so hipster" or "I'm such a hipster" because hipster isn't a thing to be or a subculture, a hipster just is, despite people who say hipsters spend their time trying composing their whole persona. Most don't.

Hipsters are not scene kids, as the generally don't listen to overly emotional music by scremo bands, they usually tend to listen to music by boring bands, mature bands, and experimental stuff. Even though the music can suck, it tops scene kid music any day.

Hipster style is usually outlandish, but ranges to plain an no flashy. Thick rim glasses, usually darker(not goth or emo dark) or earth tone clothes. Normalized colors, but outlandish way of dressing.

A hipster do not have wild hair, people get them confused with scene kids, hipsters usually wear hair that's less outlandish that scene kids, and they usually sport one solid color, unlike scene kids. And while they do, their hair still seems dirty, and less composed.

They also like vintage things, music, clothing items, video games, photographing, books, and even homes, vintage is a plus for hipsters.

Williamsburg New-York is fucking hipsters paradise. They're gentrifying Bedstuy by the day.

by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI October 11, 2010

33๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


To dress in neutral colored skinny jeans, wear boat shoes and loafers, rock some fake-wooden nerd glasses, and wear only tribal and Ragland, but more commonly, tribal raglans.
Hipsters generally claim ownership to starting new trends and fads.

"Wow! Did you see Joseph's tribal printed shirt and boat shoes today?"
"Yeah! Homeboy looked like a total hipster!"

by Prettyasacarcrash March 2, 2015


A subset of society unable to grasp the irony of attempting to give off the impression of shunning mainstream culture and fashion by dressing and acting like they are in a glossy mainstream high street clothes retailer commercial.

Hipster: Sorry I look so shabby, I just rolled out of bed.
Non-hipster: No, you look great! I wish I could look as effortlessly stylish as you!
Hipster: Oh, you actually believed me? This look actually took half a day to get right. I lie to people so I can seem better than them.

by The Happy Homesick Alien March 22, 2016