Source Code

Harrisburg Hot Pocket

Similar to an Alabama Hot Pocket, a Harrisburg Hot Pocket involves a man (or woman with strap-on) to poop into a woman's vagina WHILE she is currently on her period -- then they proceed to have vaginal intercourse.

Lisa: "I got my period today and I'm horny..."
Chris: "I just took a Viagra and ate 50 wings, time for a Harrisburg Hot Pocket!"

"I can't wait until Amy is on the rag so I can give her a Harrisburg Hot Pocket."
"Rich follows women around at the store who are buying tampons to ask if they want a Harrisburg Hot Pocket, he's such a sicko!"

by Why Havent I Been Adopted Yet September 6, 2013

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

anime hot pocket

When your friend is watching hentai, and you come up behind them and firmly grasp their butt cheeks, as you shove a USB filled with 2 terabytes of child porn into their exposed rectum.

I just gave my girlfriend the best anime hot pocket.

by Teamcarrytoxic March 26, 2018

Nevada Hot Pocket

Deposit a bowel movement into a vagina (a speculum may facilitate this action). Essentially this is a space dock.
Once the space dock is complete, cunnilingus is performed, ensuring that at least some, if not all, fecal matter has been extracted from the vigina.

Dude 1: After I shit in her cunt, I totally ate the Nevada Hot Pocket.
Dude 2: You ate that shit out of her cunt?
Dude 1: Yeah, bro, then she made out with me.
Dude 2: Daaaaamn, you chocolate balled her.

by HOT Love Bug October 22, 2013

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Hot pocket handjob

The act of somone recieving a handjob from a third party but the third party is using a hot pocket

Sarah gave me the best Hot pocket handjob of my life man, she even ate the hot pocket

by Checkeredbackpack September 19, 2013

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Alabama hot pocket

When the guy shits in a girls vagina during intercourse

Girl 1 β€œshe smells like shit!”
Girl 2 β€œBrian gave her an Alabama hot pocket”
Girl 1 β€œohhhh”

by BmAc0977 November 19, 2018

914πŸ‘ 304πŸ‘Ž

Illinois Hot-Pocket

Boning a female, and then pulling out, and nutting in the females nostril/nostrils and squezing the jizzum out of her nose like the cheese in a hot-pocket.

Sally just loved the Illinois Hot-Pocket and gave to her last night, she thought it was rad.

by RabidWimp December 5, 2008

58πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Alabama Hot pocket

The act of taking a poop in a girls vagina and having sex after.

Tim: Do you want to get drinks tonight Matt.
Matt: No thanks my wife and I are doing an Alabama Hot pocket tonight.

by Alst4r52 May 31, 2018

160πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž