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the cutest person alive

girl: im so cute
me: no ibrahim is wayy cuter

by imalwaysright.co.uk February 27, 2023


ibrahim is an extremely fun person to be around and will instantly put you in a good mood. these amazing species of human usually come from japan, morocco and maybe colombia. no matter how hard you try you cannot be mad at ibra even if he talks about you with someone else infront of u.

person 1: did yk ibrahims coming???//

by whathewhatwhat May 25, 2022


A small fellow that’s able to get taller women to sleep with him but rejects the offer and goes back to a fish girl

Did you hear how sheyhan Ibrahimed that girl

by Mega trans bulldog January 5, 2019


a typical little meowmeow :3

look at ibrahim he's such a little meowmeow

by lactationboy November 22, 2021


Average GigaChad with the sexiest beard coming his way

Bro that’s a Ibrahim right there

Ibrahim Er7amni

by hassoonshi May 28, 2022


people who are named ibrahim are so kind and friendly they support their friends no matter what. People named ibrahim are sexy and confident

for example: who is that guy
susan: this guy is named ibrahim

omar: he looks so beautiful and confident

by yahya taha November 22, 2021

Ibrahim raafat.

A name of someone who is insanely talented and who deserves the ehole world.

-who is the greatest human alive?
ibrahim raafat.

by Batatesmhamara May 30, 2020