The howling winds, birds, and hogs. The encircling razor sharp reefs. That's the Devils Isle! "My ship may not dare make toe on them' shores."
The excessive fat that hangs of the side of a fat person on the cripple carts at Walmart. They do this to make sure they can fit down the isle.
I couldn't go to the end of the bread isle because her isle feelers were in the way.
Some sick person's rectum before they take a massive green dump.
"yo bro ima be fuckin my girl in her Forbidden Isle"
place were Mandy lowther owns, and then kids all fucking rag it about on bikes and they will rob owt and anything, kasa boys are dangerous and they will kill any rothwell boy
place were Mandy lowther owns, and then kids all fucking rag it about on bikes and they will rob owt and anything, kasa boys are dangerous and they will kill any rothwell boy
The Keil Isles were a New Zealand-based Rock & Roll group which consisted of the Keil Brothers, Olaf, Herman, Rudolf, Klaus and their cousin Freddie Keil. They were all Samoans with German ancestry.
´Have you listened to the Keil Isles?´
¨ Yeah, they´re great´