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He is a stupid bitch that does not know that anything he is sometimes nice but most of the time a dick.

Jeremy is coming he is a bitch run away.

by Fat boy 101 September 19, 2018

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A gay kid who likes penis

Jeremy is so gay

by faggot2.0 March 14, 2019

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A Kid with a doorknob for a pee pee. This kid is a ugly ass mixed kid. He also like touching dogs dicks.

This kid Jeremy is a kid with a small dick.

by PussySlayerMike July 5, 2019

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The greatest guy you have ever met. He is stunningly handsome and knows how to put a smile on your face. He is perfection. It doesn't get any better than him. He is great in bed and everything else he does. He's a keeper. He will give anything to those he loves. Don't let him go.

Jeremy is so so hot.

by coolboi420 May 16, 2018

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Undeniably the big, fat cunt that always thinks he is entitled to get everything and anything he wants.

Jeremy beat up a kid because he didnโ€™t eat enough hot dogs

by CleetustheFeetus March 12, 2019

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1. A balding man; hides in his room and cries at night
2. A unique person with babylike genitals
3. Secretly loves men

Hes not Ron JEREMY if you get my drift

by Newcreation February 1, 2018

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A person with a mental disability that eats his own hair and watches porn on a school laptop during class (study hall especially). He also has a sick obsession with an asian and ruins everything (mostly inside jokes that he intrudes himself into). Additionally, Jeremy likes hentai when he decides to jerk it off (most notably the pokemon and japanese genres). Jeremy, in addition, likes to eat his hair while he watches porn, his favorite asian, or some girls ass (since he is too creepy to get an actual girlfriend). He secretly holds all his porn collection on a secret thumb-drive that he guards with his life; nobody can steal that from him. Furthermore, he acts completely irrational in every instant to the point where if you catch his "fancy"...well...you have a fuckbuddy for life.

Jeremy: "WHATS POPPIN'?!?!?!?!?!?"
Asian: "Goddamnit, FUCK OFF JEREMY"


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