Source Code

Jocelyn Ariana Stevenson

An exotic model

This girl definitely looks like a Jocelyn Ariana Stevenson. She's a red bone.

by Cameron James Smith November 29, 2010

national jocelyn is gay day

october 29 is the national day of anyone named jocelyn being extremely homosexual

person 1: dude what day is it
person 2: october 29
person 1: oh shit it’s national jocelyn is gay day

by peepee poopoo butt October 29, 2019

22👍 10👎

jocelyn hernandez

Jocelyn Hernandez is a very beautiful girl. Shes caring, amazing, honest, just the best friend you will ever have. She loves to play jokes. Jocelyn Hernandez is amazing!

Is that Jocelyn Hernandez?

by Graciela123 September 11, 2017

Garret and Jocelyne

An absolute couple

They are so Garret and Jocelyne

by saulgoodmanic March 9, 2023


Jocelyne is a tall, kind girl that loves helping other people out. She is also very pretty. All the boys want to hang out with her (because she's literally PERFECT), but she sticks with her friend group. She is funny and dramatic. Sometimes, if people hurt her siblings/friends, she will go knock their door down and make whoever that person is apologize.

"Hey, who's that?"
"It's my friend Jocelyne, I bet you'd get along perfectly."

by remberrr October 30, 2021

Jocelyn and andre

When these two are together take note beacuse these two are every cool they well make you smile cheer you up comfort you make you feel special andre and jocelyn are the best in the world.

*group of friend talking about Jocelyn and andre*
New kid: "yo who andre and Jocelyn

kid 2: "there like the coolest kids in the world"
New kid: "well there not cool to me"
*Group of kids beat the living shit out of him*

by Dax the hump god May 24, 2018

Jocelyn leech

a girl who sucks balls!

that girl over there looks like a jocelyn leech.

by werwee July 11, 2021