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This name is associated with super awesome people. A Johan will usually enjoy past times like playing guitar and playing World of Warcraft. They are people that will make you feel so happy that you wake up every morning thinking that you are the luckiest person alive to have them in your life. A Johan is not only tall, dark and handsome, but they also have stunning eyes. They also pronounce words such as "fluffy" and "bunny" very cutely. People love a Johan very very much.
He also belong to a Queen called Angeline
#johan#world of warcraft#bunny#guitar#handsome

Angeline: "Wow, that Johan makes me so happy. I love him.He is my boyfriend "

by Nahok September 25, 2018




by World Parasite November 5, 2022


Johan Pak is a sexy motherfucker that will steal your man, but most of all he will steal your dog and then eat it for dinner the next night.

Random person "of course i love my daddy johan"
The next day:
Johan: Are you gonna cook and clean for me?
Random huzz: Yes king.
Johan: Good girrrrrrl

by pablodetaco February 23, 2025


Typical word for a black orangutang.

Johan was roaming the jungle

by Ranvir Singh May 15, 2023


johan is a horrible name for an indian boy who probably checks out his shit after he's done with his business.

"Johan! Stop looking at your shit in the toilet! Flush it, wash your hands, and come out!"

by n i g g a #69420 May 14, 2024


Johan is a male name which is more popular Norway and Sweden. Johan has no sense of economic taste and do not follow what the leader says. He ignores his orders to keep his savings straight. A male with the name Johan usually scream. " DEN BETALER FOR SEG SJØØØØØL" if he is trying to prove others wrong. Despite his anger and his slogan Johan is a very lovely male and caring person.

You’re such a lucky person if u have a connection with a Johan

This round we will have an eco-round. "Johans buys a heavy gun"

by pepegris November 7, 2020


Johan is a very nice person , he will always try to put a smile on someones face. Very outgoing , really happy . The loyalist boy you will ever meet . Never take him for granted because you are going to regret it . You could be very good friends with a johan because he will always be there for you.

Johan is riding his bike.

by Menely November 21, 2020