A boy who is really sweat and caring. Any girl would be lucky to have him. He may not like you at the time but I know he will. He is very handsome and amazing. U would know I have met one
Man I think Joseph is really cute today.
He is sexy beautiful man. Has the best hair and his eyes are beautiful and super awesome and funny
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The guy who only notices you in class when he catches you staring at the Periodic Table on the wall.
He goes by any name that starts with 'J' because he really doesn't care what you call him.
Despite his 'I-don't-really-care' demeanor, he pays a lot of attention to his friends and will often go out of his way to make them feel comfortable. (Example: Hiding a cut when he notices that blood bothers you.)
He's super smart but also super lazy. He procrastinates beyond all belief, and it's a miracle that he gets all his work in on time. He likes to make puns and dad jokes. He often actually steals jokes from his father.
Despite wanting to be in NASA (or some other big company) he often doesn't try very hard to secure his future, usually referencing the term "It's a problem for future me."
He also likes to play phone games or Nintendo on the bus when he isn't napping.
All around he's a really cool guy who isn't afraid to speak his mind. Even though he's a bit of a bad influence, you can guarantee that it's never going to be dull with him as a friend!
"Joseph. Stop slouching so much, you'll have a hunch by the time you're twenty!"
"Eh. It's a problem for future me."
He is probably the tastiest person you will meet. He is lethal at everything and his skills include not being in lca and not having a cookie eye
Joseph has no stairs
Typically the name of an Athenian war-god, this guy can Rock Your World. Gifted in the size of his erection and manipulation of your vaginal cavity, his ejaculations mean pleasure for both parties. Never pass on a Joseph offering a cream pie.
Wow, Joseph has such a huge cock.
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He likes K-pop but he'd never admit it. He also likes roller coasters, but you could never tell from the deadpan look in his eyes. He thinks he is blonde because he is German, but that's not the way hair color works. He sounds like a conservative but he is secretly a liberal. He'll take a bullet for his friend, but shank you for one wrong look. He's extremely paranoid, but they are probably out to get him.
He might have dreads nd always wearing a hoodie nd looking sad but he chill nd knows alotta people but isn’t popular he is one of those people that u would want to be around nd he is loyal but just ain’t find the right one but he is one of those people you kno is gonna be famous one day
Joseph chill nd laid back but funny nd loves girls but not gay he just hangs around them to keep up his rep