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Kia Optima

The largest red flag in a woman. These cars are generally driven by horrible people because they are cheap and reliable, the average person would buy this car thinking its a great car, but doesn't know anything about them. When men drive these cars, they are typically very foreign. When women drive these cars, they usually have done up nails with lash extensions and smell like dank. Sometimes, you will see them beat up. The average optima owner does not know how to nor has the money to perform a basic or simple repair.

Hey man, I just got a new girlfriend. She drives a kia optima.

Leave her.

by ItsTeslaDude April 25, 2023


Sum e thot that hot clout for have a moaning video that wasn't even her

That's not even kia`

by Wes𝓽𝓯 December 26, 2022

Kia soul syndrome

Usually an Arizona driver who’s driving record is so bad they only qualify for a Kia soul in the lime green color or a syndrome of any Kia soul driver being a fucking idiot on the road

That Kia soul just cut me off they definitely have Kia soul syndrome.

by Leahsky205 March 8, 2024

Dirty Kias

An administrator of a sports group that likes roast people that he catches in lies.

He said he didn’t like Lebron when just last year he loved Lebron and the Dirty Kias in me wouldn’t let me ignore it.

by San82 April 25, 2023

Dirty Kias

An administrator of a sports group that likes roast people that he catches in lies.

He said he didn’t like Lebron when just last year he loved Lebron and the Dirty Kias in me wouldn’t let me ignore it.

by San82 April 25, 2023


A symbol painted to tattooed on the nose of a Native American person to show in secret that once they can, they are going to leave all of their “friends” for they hate them.

Everyone of her friends wondered what was on her nose, but little did they know it is a Skan-Kia.

by A informed person February 13, 2022

kia lumsdon

Kia Lumsdon the best person in the world and is born on 16/07/2008

Kia Lumsdon is the most beautiful and the best person in the world

by Kia’sbesti November 19, 2021