Source Code

Chicken Livers

Chicken Livers is the code phrase used to alert others that a nice pair of mammary glands are in our presence. It is used so not to alert the woman of the fact that she is being objectified.

Wow! Nice chicken livers!
Check out the chicken livers.
I could go for some chicken livers right about now.

by "Sammy" August 19, 2009

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liver buster

someone that bruises another ones liver while giving deep anal. gays are sometimes called liverbusters. also the act of getting deep anal.

man... matt sure is a prime liver buster!

dude... matt got a liverbuster lastnight... i hear he needs surgery!

by mike harrisizzel June 27, 2006

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liver shim

when a girls pussy is so loose you have to use a shim of liver to tighten her hole up

her pussy was so big i hag to use a liver shim to feel anything

by Mr_Mojo December 29, 2011

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lilly liver

someone who is jive turkey!!!

What's up... lilly liver???

by shanaynay July 3, 2004

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chicken livers

The sweetest sweetbread found in a chicken. Fried with hot sauce, even fine chick can love them.

I converted a demon from the dark side, with some fried chicken livers.

by thrillshow June 26, 2008

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liver punch

When a guy is having sex with a female and when he sticks it in all the way she yelps so loud her sleeping boyfriend awakens from the other room and punches you in the back of the head and yells,"liver alone"

Dude so the firey redhead from the bar last night well we went back to her place and you will never guess, two words, liver punch.... she been married for 7 years...

by dickβ˜†knoggin August 7, 2015

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Liver Lips

A derogatory term for a negro referring to their big ass lips.

You see that niggers liver lips?

by SinStar420 May 11, 2017

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