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Loko Tu Dame Juiced

A juicy Kit Kat( to men).
A juicy Slim Jim( to women).

Hot man: That was Loko Tu Dame Juiced
Hot woman: Ah Ah, Thank You

by DaRoger October 27, 2019


An alternate form of the Spanish ‘Loco’ which means crazy or hyper.

Hey did you see Kyle? He went Loko last night on defense.

by Kylefishes October 24, 2019


Loko is a girl name,meaning Dawn.

It is a East African Bantu name from the Akamba tribe,one of Kenya's 42 tribes.
A girl can be named Loko if she was born at dawn or after a family member,mostly grandmother, who had the same name.
Kioko is the male version meaning very early in the morning.

Loko's grandfather is a retired teacher.

by Ellababe November 23, 2021


A shite person

Gachafag are all loko

by HamburgerCheeseburgerMan October 13, 2020


Loko is a traditional Kamba name (for a girl) meaning ''Dawn''
The name is used by Eastern Bantus ,the Kamba people of Kenya to signify a baby girl was born at Dawn.
The male version is Kioko,which Is more popular.

Loko and I went shopping yesterday.

by ellababe May 20, 2021


Loko is the definition of the craziest member of the band/the gang.

Yo ma nigga you're the loko, tou freaky motherfucker

by Batinkata August 4, 2019

national four loko day

May 25th is national four loko day. If you want to party with the demons, crack open a four loko to celebrate the day.

Harold shotguns 10 four lokos every National Four Loko Day.

by bobby tanktop May 25, 2022